Međunarodna politika Journal Archive
Međunarodna politika Vol. 63 No. 1147/2012
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):5-13
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Energy stability and security of the country are strategic objectives of every state. If energy is not available from its own resources, foreign policy activities of the state seek to provide favorable contracts that will guarantee energy security and possibly neutralize energy dependence of potential consumers on states which supply energy. For Europe, and the Balkans in particular, building two energy corridors is extremely important. The first is \"Nabucco\", mostly financed by the EU and the U.S., designed to neutralize energy dependence of Western Europe on Russia. The second is the \"South Stream\", Russian energy corridor, whose construction is already underway.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):14-33
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In the paper, the author analyses the evolution of the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Western Balkans, particularly regarding the relationship of the Republic of Serbia to this organisation. He also points to the current NATO acting in the West Balkan region, this especially including the position of the Federal Republic of Germany to accession of the states in the region to the organisation mentioned above.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):34-52
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The paper consists of seven chapters presenting the history and nature of relations between Turkey and the European Union and their influence on the Turkish policy towards the Balkan countries. The author notes that a constant re-Islamization of the political elite and of the public space has been going on since the first multiparty parliamentary elections in 1950. It culminated with the rise to power of the Justice and Development Party in 2002. Relations between the EU and Turkey indicate that a definite slowdown or pause has probably occurred, which both players are aware of, and to which both parties have contributed. The seemingly paradoxical fact is that the EU was a key external instigator of weakening of the traditional stronghold of secularism – the Turkish military. Disillusioned by the possibility of entering the EU Turkey emphasizes its independent policy by projecting itself as a regional power that should restore the influence of Minor Asia in some countries that were once a part of the Ottoman Empire. The last chapter discusses the decreasing possibility of carrying out this plan, at least when it comes to the Balkans.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):53-72
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The paper presents several segments which are significant for minority communities. Defining is an important part of any issue, this also including the issue of minorities. For this reason, we have presented several definitions of minorities. So far, no uniform definition of minorities has been adopted and there are various reasons for that. Minority protection can be observed through the prism of internal protection, or protection within a state or through international protection. Discussing international protection of minorities, we should consider two questions. First, what are the instruments or what international treaties relate to minorities guaranteeing and protecting minority rights? And second, what relevant bodies are in charge of minority rights? Finally, one must not omit to present the most important minority rights that should be protected by international law and what minority rights, among others, are mentioned in international documents dealing with this topic.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):73-86
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The accelerating globalization of the world market\'s rapid development as well as the current economic crisis impose to all countries increasing demands for constant change, particularly to improve their competitiveness. It enables the expansion of export competitiveness, high economic growth, development, and social well-being, which is manifested in increased employment and higher living standards of the population. Whether it is a micro or macro concept of competitiveness in the fiercely competitive game winners are those that increase productivity and efficiency. At the micro level, productivity affects the rate of return on investments made in the mechanical engineering (companies) as one of the key driving forces of economic growth. At the macro level, the level of productivity determines the level of sustainable growth and development, economic development and prosperity. According to the majority of indicators of relevant institutions and research, the competitiveness of the Serbian economy is low. The Serbian mechanical engineering should be based on increasing efficiency of production processes to increase the product quality. Development and growth should be based on production and technological innovations.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):87-111
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The article deals with the political nature of diplomatic relations, stressing possible states of them as following: normal or correct relations, good relations, neighborhood and good neighborhood relations, allied relations, amicable or friendly relations, brotherhood relations, privileged relations, cordial relations, reciprocal relations, neutral relations, cold relations, imposed relations, deteriorating relations, tense relations, strained relations, downgraded relations, interrupted or broken relations, retorsion, ceased relations, suspended relations, re-established or normalized relations, intermediary relations, indifferent relations, informal relations or de facto relationships.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):112-121
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Japan is one of the leading world powers. Taking gross domestic product (GDP) and purchasing power parity (PPP) as parameters, Japan is the third largest economy in the world, behind the USA and China. It differs from other economies by a high degree of adaptability to changes on the world market. The following text is composed of three parts. The first contains a short overview of the history of development of the Japanese economy focusing on the changes that appeared in trade and in the industrial structure as well as on the technological progress that was a driving force of its structural reforms. The second part shows the changes in the Japanese demographic structure analysing their impacts on the Japanese economy, while the third presents the adjustment of Japan’s export structure to new needs on the world market. By analysing the three aspects mentioned above the objective of the paper is to show the way Japan is adapting to changeable economic conditions by taking efficient structural changes in all fields.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):122-135
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Modern terrorism in globalization represents a threat to society and to the individual. As a complex political phenomenon, terrorism is characterized by the appearance of many manifestations whose common characteristics are political, ethnic or religious motivation; it causes fear and panic, innocent victims, pursuit of publicity. One of the most significant and important ways for expressing effects of terrorist activities are terrorist activities in air traffic, whose role in the modern society is immeasurable. Terrorist activities in air traffic in the world are also relevant because of the effects they make in broad masses and also the achievement of these effects is the aim of terrorist organizations. Modalities of attacks are different and range from hijacking, planting explosive devices in airplanes, airports, through overthrowing of aircraft from the ground, aircraft crash or hijacking, and suicide plane crashes into an object of importance to the country. More and more frequent incidents caused by terrorist activities have resulted in changes in terms of aviation safety and the prevention of new deaths in air traffic. Consequently, the international community has adopted many of conventions, while the technology also contributes to achieving this aim.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):136-158
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In early 1992, the impossibility to bring into accord the political goals of the Croats, Serbs and Muslims/Bosniaks in Bosnia Herzegovina brought the international community to arbitrary and co-creation positions within the context of finding a solution for this state. Initially, the international community had regarded that for that republic and the harmonisation of relations among its nations the most suitable was a complex, (con)federal system, what was manifested in the Cutillero plan. It was considered as such to the extent that the adoption of the Cutillero was one of the conditions for its international recognition. However, soon after the outbreak of war in April 1992 the international community changed its opinion considering that it was only the unitary model of organisation of BH that was ethnically justifiable and functional. Therefore, it started to act in that direction. Although the war conditions were not suitable for such form of acting, what was finally manifested in the establishment of „Dayton“ BH, the support to unitarisation will keep on being a constant in the approach of the international community to this country. Based on what has been previously said, the paper analyses the circumstances that during 1992 led to the international support to unitarisation of BH as well as the reflection of this support on the relations among nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):159-161
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):162-164
Međunarodna politika, 2012 63(1147):165-171