Editorial Responsibilities
The Publishing Council is an advisory body that actively contributes to the development of the journal. Members of the Council are responsible for helping the journal grow and promoting it. They are also supposed to encourage experts in the field of scientific research on the political, security, economic, and legal aspects of international relations to write for or review the journal, as well as write editorials, reviews, and comments on works.
The Editor-in-Chief of International Politics makes the final decision on which manuscripts will be published. When making a decision, the Editor-in-Chief is guided by the editorial policy, taking into account legal regulations related to defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.
The Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief retain the discretionary right to evaluate and reject received manuscripts without peer review if they determine that manuscripts do not correspond to the content and formal standards for writing scientific research articles and the thematic requirements of editorial policy. Articles that do not meet the technical standards prescribed in the Instructions to Authors, even if the content is correct, will be returned to the authors for alignment. In regular circumstances, the editorial office will inform authors whether their articles are accepted or not and if the review procedure is initiated within seven days from the date of manuscript receipt.
The Editor-in-Chief, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, and the members of the Editorial Board must not have any conflict of interest related to manuscripts they consider. Any member of the Editorial Board with a conflict of interest will be excluded from the procedure of selecting reviewers and deciding the fate of manuscripts. If such a conflict of interest exists, the Editor-in-Chief determines the reviewers and the future of manuscripts. The Editor-in-Chief, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, and the members of the Editorial Board are obliged to report the conflicts of interest promptly.
The Editor-in-Chief, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, and the Editorial Board are obliged to evaluate manuscripts based on their content, without any racial, sexual/gender, religious, ethnic, or political prejudices.
The editors and members of the Editorial Board must not use unpublished material from submitted manuscripts for their own research without express written permission from the authors. The information and ideas presented in submitted manuscripts must be kept confidential. They must not be used for gaining personal benefit
The editors and members of the editorial office are obliged to take all reasonable measures so that the identities of reviewers remain unknown to authors before, during, and after the review process and to keep authors’ identities anonymous to reviewers.