About Journal
International Politics is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal published by the Institute of International Politics and Economics, the leading scientific institution in the region dedicated to researching international relations. Since 1950, this interdisciplinary journal has published original analytical, theoretical, and review papers on contemporary international political, economic, and legal relations.
The journal is interested in the policies of the most important actors that shape modern international affairs. Topics dedicated to various territorial and ethnic conflicts and disputes, from interstate to intrastate, as well as their broader regional and global political, economic, and legal implications, are also relevant. Other issues affecting contemporary international relations, such as global trade, economic and energy relations, international and regional integration, various forms of terrorism and fundamentalism, as well as the challenges posed by the migrant crisis, the global spread of contiguous diseases, and nuclear capacity in the world, are all significant to the journal. So, this scientific journal is based on an open and wide approach to the subject area.
International Politics does not charge any fees for submitting manuscripts or publishing articles. There are no hidden fees.
International Politics is an open-access journal, which means that all of the journal’s contents are available online for free. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to content, change, redesign, rework it or use it in other legal ways as long as they appropriately cite it.
International politics does not publish manuscripts that have the characteristics of plagiarism. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism, or auto-plagiarism will be rejected immediately. Plagiarism, i.e., appropriating other people’s ideas, words, or other forms of creative expression and their presentation as one’s own, is a severe violation of scientific and publishing ethics. Also, plagiarism may include copyright infringement, which is punishable by law.
All manuscripts are subject to a rigorous, double-blind review process by at least two reviewers who are experts in the field of the peer-reviewed article. The aim of the review is to provide authors with collegial feedback in order to improve their work and, critically, enable the editor to assess the suitability of the manuscript for publication.
Reviewers submit to the editor an assessment of the scientific value of the manuscript, evaluating the papers in relation to the topic’s compliance with the journal’s profile, the relevance of research areas and applied methods, originality, and scientific relevance of the manuscript. Reviewers treat manuscripts that they review as confidential documents. This applies both during and after the publishing process.
Authors are required to adhere to ethical standards relating to scientific research. The authors guarantee that the manuscript represents their original contribution, has not been previously published, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The authors additionally guarantee that the manuscript is free of false or unlawful claims and does not infringe on the rights of others. Also, the author should state in the manuscript whether there is a financial or another significant conflict of interest that could affect the research findings or their interpretation.
The journal is financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Government of the Republic of Serbia. According to the law, all published issues and volumes of the journal are archived in the digital deposit of the National Library of Serbia. It is currently indexed in the following databases: DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, CROSSREF, EBSCO, KOBSON, and the COBISS database.
Authors are allowed to deposit the published version of the article in an institutional or thematic repository or publish it on personal websites (including profiles on social networks such as ORCID, ResearchGate, Academia.edu, etc.) or on the institution’s website where they are employed. Authors are required to provide a full bibliographic description of the article published in this journal (authors, title of the paper, title of the journal, volume, number, pagination) and put a link to the DOI tag of the article.
International Politics is published in April, September, and December three times a year. The journal publishes Serbian-language and English-language manuscripts.