Instructions to authors

International Politics is a four-monthly scientific journal published in April, September, and December every year. The journal publishes articles in Serbian and English.

The journal publishes peer-reviewed original and reviewed articles and book reviews in the fields of international relations, foreign policy, international public law, and international economics.

The original research article presents the research results with a clear contribution to expanding and/or deepening existing knowledge. It should be set up so that it has the following parts: an overview of the situation and the goal of the research; a clear explanation of the theoretical background (review of literature) in the introduction; a hypothesis or research question; applied methods; a presentation and explanation of the results; and a conclusion that talks about the main research findings, hypothesis, or research question.

A review article provides a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic or a perspective on the state of the field by describing current areas of agreement as well as controversies and debates. The review article identifies gaps in knowledge and the most critical research questions that still haven’t been answered. It also suggests directions for future research.

A book review is a systematic description and/or critical analysis of the quality and significance of a book, edited volume, or textbook. A book review should include a general description of the topic or problem the book is about, a summary of the book’s main argument, basic information about the author, an overview of the book’s contents, strengths, and weaknesses, and a summary of the reviewer’s opinion of the book.

For contributions to be considered, they must be prepared according to the instructions below:

I – Instructions for Writing Articles

  1. Articles should contain 5,000 to 8,000 words.
  2. Articles should be written in English or Serbian, using Times New Roman font size 12, with page numbers in the lower right corner.
  3. The name and surname of the article’s author should be written above the article’s title.
  4. The name and surname of the author/s of the article (and eventual title), the name of the institution where he/she is employed and its headquarters, as well as the author’s address for correspondence (postal, institutional, or electronic), should be written in the first footnote.
  5. If the author wants to let readers know that some of the views in the article are his or her own and not those of the institution where he or she works, he or she must add a special footnote with the symbol * to the end of the title of the article, where it will be specifically mentioned.
  6. The abstract is attached in both Serbian and English, and the author should indicate the research question, the most essential hypotheses, context, and research conclusions. The abstract should contain up to 200 words, and below that, the author should list up to 10 keywords.
  7. Latin, ancient Greek, and other non-English words and phrases (like status quo, a priori, de facto, acquis communautaire, etc.) should be written in italics in the text.
  8. Footnotes must be written at the bottom of the page (Footnote option), and footnotes’ labels should be exclusively put at the end of the sentence.

Following these suggestions, the footnotes should include information about the specified bibliographic unit:

a) Monographs

The full name of the author, the title of the monograph (in italics), the name of the publisher, the place of publication, and the year of publication. If only one page of the source is cited, the page number should be indicated; if more than one page is mentioned, the middle line is used without a space (for example, 123; 22–50).

When a collection of papers, which one person has edited, is cited, it should be written (ed.) with a period. On the other hand, when there are more editors, it should be written (eds) without a period.

When a collection of papers, which one person has edited, is cited, it should be written (ed.) with a period. On the other hand, when there are more editors, it should be written (eds) without a period.


Džon Rols, Pravo naroda, Alexandria Press i Nova srpska politička misao, Beograd, 2003, 107.

John Gillingham, European Integration 1950–2003, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003, 221.

Duško Lopandić (ed.), Regional initiatives in Southeast Europe: multilateral cooperation programs in the Balkans, Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, 2001, 24–32.

Theodor Winkler, Brana Marković, Predrag Simić & Ognjen Pribićević (eds), European Integration and the Balkans, Center for South Eastern European Studies, Belgrade & Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces, Geneva, 2002, 234–7.

b) Articles in scientific journals

The full name and surname of the author, the article’s title (in quotation marks), the journal’s name (italic), the volume number, issue number, and page number from- to. The page numbers are separated by a dash (-)without a space. If some data are incomplete, it is necessary to emphasize that.


Michael Levi, “The Organisation of Serious Crimes”, in: Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan & Robert Reiner (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003, 878–84. (878–9 или 878).

Robert J. Bunker & John. R. Sullivan, “Cartel Evolution: Potentials and Consequences”, Transnational Organized Crime, vol. 4, no. 2, Summer 1998, 55–76.

c) Articles in daily newspapers and magazines

Specify the author’s name (or initials if only those are given), the article’s title in quotation marks, the name of the newspaper or magazine in italics, the date in Arabic numerals, and the page number(s).


John Gapper, “Investor votes should count”, The Financial Times, 17 April 2006, 9.

d) Citing documents

Specify the name of the document (in quotation marks), the article, point, or paragraph to which the author is referring, and the name of the journal or official journal where the document was published (in italics), with the volume number, issue number, place, and year of publication.


“Resolution 1244 (1999)”, Security Council of the United Nations, 10 June 1999.

“Statut Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine”, Službeni list APV, 17/91, Novi Sad, 18. jun 1991, 1–14.

e) Citing internet sources

The name of the author, the title of the work or article, the full Internet address, which allows the specified source to be reached by typing the specified address, the date of accessing the page on the Internet, the page number (if any), and if the attachment is published in PDF.


Maureen Lewis, Who is Paying for Health Care in Eastern Europe and Central Asia?, IBRD & World Bank, Washington D.C, 2000,$File/Who+is+Paying+text.pdf, 14/09/2004, 3.

f) Repetition of previously mentioned sources

When we refer to a source that has already been cited in the text, after other footnotes, the author’s name and surname, the title of the source, then op. cit., and finally the page number must be written (e.g., Michael Levi, “The Organization of Serious Crimes”, op. cit., 879). Ibid. or Ibidem is to be used exclusively when citing the source mentioned in the previous footnote, with an indication of the number of the page/pages if the new statement is from that source (e.g., Ibid., 11).

  1. At the end of the article, a bibliography is attached, which should contain all the sources and literature cited in the text in the form stated in the footnotes guide. The only difference is that in a bibliography, it is mandatory to put the author’s last name first and then their first name, and the entire bibliography is organized in alphabetical order by the first names of the authors cited (or the names of the documents used).

II – Instructions for Writing Book Review

  1. Book Review shouldn’t be longer than two and a half pages in Word format (single spacing), or more than 1,200 words (8,800 characters with spaces).
  2. At the beginning of the review, the bibliographic references of the book are cited according to the rules for listing monographs in footnotes. In the end, the total number of pages should be listed (for example, p. 345).
  3. Book Review must contain footnotes.
  4. The author can specify the title of the review of the book or collection in capital letters — font size 14, which is subject to change by the editorial office of the journal.
  5. The font size, font, and alignment of the text should be in accordance with the previously mentioned suggestions for writing articles.
  6. At the end of the review, the author’s full name and surname are stated in italic, with the entire surname written in capital letters (e.g., Žaklina NOVIČIĆ).